Kaohsiung Medical University College of Dental Medicine

English-Medium Instruction (EMI) Teaching Subsidy Program

I. Purpose

   To promote internationalization and enhance students' English proficiency, the College of Dental Medicine at Kaohsiung Medical University (hereinafter referred to as "the College") has established this program to encourage faculty members to teach courses using English as the medium of instruction.

II. Eligible Recipients

   The program is open to full-time, project-based, and clinical faculty (excluding foreign teachers) at the College who participate in the Ministry of Education's bilingual learning initiative for university and college students and offer "lecture-based" English-Medium Instruction courses, including online module courses.

III. Subsidy Details

  1. Each instructor teaching an EMI course will receive a subsidy of NT$3,000 per hour, with a maximum subsidy of NT$15,000 for course-related expenses.
  2. For instructors who develop PBL (Problem-Based Learning), TBL (Team-Based Learning), or OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) teaching plans, subsidies will be granted based on actual teaching hours, at a rate of NT$2,500 per hour, with a maximum subsidy of NT$12,500 for course-related expenses.
  3. For laboratory courses primarily involving hands-on activities by students, subsidies will only cover the hours spent lecturing on the experimental principles and the respective instructor. For a two-hour laboratory course, the subsidy will cover a maximum of one hour.

IV. Application Period

     The application period is subject to the schedule announced by the College of Dental Medicine.

V. The term "English-Medium Instruction" (EMI) refers to courses taught entirely in English, with the course content delivered in English and approved as an EMI course by the University's curriculum committees at all levels. This includes using English for teaching materials, lectures, discussions, and assessments. However, general education English language courses (such as Freshman English, Advanced English, Continuing Education English), physical education, service learning, individual instruction courses (including research guidance, special projects, research projects, seminars, and theses), internships, courses of a speech nature, executive programs, courses primarily based on student presentations, and courses where all students are international students are not eligible.

VI. Application Procedure

  1. Instructors applying for subsidies must submit their applications within the specified period during the semester in which the course is offered, along with the "EMI Teaching Subsidy Application Form" (Appendix 1) and the "Teaching Subsidy Budget Form" (Appendix 2).
  2. To maintain the quality of EMI courses, instructors who receive subsidies must submit the following materials within one month after the course ends for review:
  1. The EMI Course Outcomes Report (Appendix 3).
  2. A complete recording of at least one week's lessons (e.g., using Evercam) for evaluation and observation, or the teaching plan for those who develop teaching plans.
  3. Instructors must submit their reimbursement applications before the end of the academic year in which the course was offered.

VII. Funding Source

   The funding for this program is provided by the Ministry of Education's "Bilingual Learning Plan for University and College Students." The subsidy amount may be adjusted based on the number of applicants and the budget for each academic year. Reimbursements must comply with the university’s accounting procedures and relevant regulations.

VIII. Review Process

   The College's EMI Teaching Incentive Committee will conduct the review. Applications will be approved based on the review results and the available budget, and the results will be publicly announced.

IX. Other Matters

   Matters not covered in this program shall be handled in accordance with relevant regulations of the University and the Ministry of Education.

Appendix 1: College of Dental Medicine EMI Teaching Subsidy Application Form.docx

Appendix 2: Teaching Subsidy Budget Form.docx

Appendix 3: College of Dental Medicine EMI Course Outcomes Report.docx

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